Introduction to Wallcoverings and The Installation Career
In this course, you'll get a comprehensive overview of the most common types of wallcovering, and learn about the wallcovering industry, past and present. You'll also get a feel for a typical day as an installer, and what it takes to do the job.
Wallcoverings are an enduring element of interior design and have undergone a centuries-long evolution. In this chapter, you'll learn what they are, where they came from, and how they're made.
Chapter 2: Wallcovering Types
There is a wide array of wallcoverings available, all with different compositions, sizes and functions. In this chapter, we'll show you the most common types you'll encounter as a beginner. You'll also learn where to get them, and how they're packaged.
Chapter 3: Becoming an Installer
There's a lot more to being an installer than sticking paper to the wall! In this chapter, you'll observe a day in the life of a paperhanger. We'll examine the skills that lead to success, and explore ways to ramp up your experience and grow your network.
Next Steps
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Some quick questions before you go...
Introduction to Wallcoverings and the Installation Career: Final Exam
Introduction to Wallcoverings and the Installation Career: Final Exam