Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
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    Introduction: Meet your virtual instructor and download the checklist that will guide you through each step of layout and engineering.
    • Introduction
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    Chapter 1: Learn the first important steps of Layout and Engineering, including room analysis, choosing start and kill points, ensuring balance and symmetry on the focal wall, and more.
    • Step 1 - Analyze the room
    • Step 2 - Determine the focal wall
    • Step 3 - Determine start and kill points
    • Step 4 - Find the midpoint of the focal wall
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    Chapter 2: Learn how to identify the center of the wallcovering's pattern, how to choose the best ceiling line, and best practices for determining seam distance.
    • Step 5 - Placement of the printed pattern
    • Step 6 - Choose a ceiling line
    • Step 7 - Determine the expanded width of the wallcovering
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    Chapter 3: Complete the final step of Layout and Engineering: planning seam placements.
    • Step 8 - Plan seam placement
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    Next Steps
    • Additional resources
    • Some quick questions before you go...
    • Congratulations!
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    Layout and Engineering Final Exam
    • Layout and Engineering Final Exam